Everything You Need to Know About Getting the Yellow Fever Jab

As international travel becomes increasingly popular, more people are exploring remote and exotic destinations. However, travelling to tropical and subtropical regions can expose you to certain health risks, one of the most serious being yellow fever. Whether you’re heading to Africa, South America, or any area where yellow fever is prevalent, taking precautions is essential. At Seaton Pharmacy travel clinic, our goal is to ensure your health and safety on your travels, and getting vaccinated against yellow fever is a crucial step. Here’s everything you need to know about the importance of the yellow fever jab and how it can protect you while you explore the world.

Yellow Fever: The Facts

Yellow fever is a viral infection transmitted by mosquitoes. The disease gets its name from one of its most noticeable symptoms: jaundice, which causes the skin and eyes to turn yellow. Yellow fever can vary in severity, ranging from a mild illness with fever and aches to a severe form that leads to bleeding, organ failure, and death.

Typically yellow fever spreads through Aedes or Haemagogus mosquitos, which are prevalent in certain parts of the world. The virus is a risk in several countries across sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America, including:



Central African Republic








Sierra Leone



Argentina (specific areas)




Panama (specific areas)


Trinidad and Tobago (specifically Trinidad)


There is no specific treatment for yellow fever, making prevention through vaccination and mosquito avoidance measures the most effective ways to protect yourself from this potentially deadly disease.

yellow fever jab

Why is the Yellow Fever Jab Important?

The yellow fever vaccine is a highly effective and safe way to protect yourself from the disease. It is also one of the most important vaccinations for travellers heading to high-risk areas. Here are some key reasons why getting the yellow fever jab is crucial:

High Mortality Rate: Yellow fever can be deadly, with severe cases leading to a fatality rate of up to 50% if left untreated. Vaccination offers the best protection against this life-threatening disease.

Lack of Treatment Options: There is no cure for yellow fever, and medical treatment is mainly supportive, focusing on relieving symptoms and managing complications. Vaccination is the only way to prevent the disease.

Mandatory for Entry: Many countries, particularly in Africa and South America, require proof of yellow fever vaccination as a condition for entry. Without a valid yellow fever certificate, you may be denied entry into these countries, or worse, you could contract the disease.

Long-Lasting Protection: One dose of the yellow fever vaccine provides lifelong immunity for most people, making it a convenient and effective way to stay protected, not just for a single trip, but for any future travels to yellow fever endemic areas.

Who Needs the Yellow Fever Vaccine?

We recommend the yellow fever jab for all travellers aged nine months or older who are visiting or living in areas where yellow fever poses a risk. This includes large parts of sub-Saharan Africa and tropical South America. Additionally, some countries require proof of vaccination, known as the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP), for travellers arriving from or transiting through yellow fever endemic areas, even if they are just passing through the airport.

Here’s a closer look at who should get the yellow fever vaccine:

Travellers to Endemic Areas: If you’re planning to visit countries where yellow fever is present, you must get vaccinated. This includes popular travel destinations in Africa like Kenya, Uganda, and Ghana, and in South America such as Brazil and Peru.

Transit Passengers: Even if you’re not staying in a yellow fever area but are transiting through an endemic country, some nations still require you to be vaccinated. For example, if you have a layover in a country where yellow fever is endemic, you may need to show proof of vaccination when entering your final destination.

Residents of Endemic Areas: If you’re moving to a country where yellow fever is a risk, the vaccine is essential for your long-term protection.

yellow fever vaccination near me

What to Expect When Getting the Yellow Fever Jab at Seaton Pharmacy

Our team offers a comprehensive yellow fever vaccination service, ensuring you stay fully protected and meet international travel regulations. Here’s what you can expect:

1. Consultation: Before administering the vaccine, our trained pharmacists will conduct a thorough consultation to assess your travel plans, medical history, and any potential contraindications. This ensures that the yellow fever jab is safe and appropriate for you.

2. Vaccination: The yellow fever vaccine is a live, attenuated vaccine given as a single injection, usually into the upper arm. Our pharmacists will administer the vaccine in a safe and comfortable environment, with minimal discomfort.

3. International Certificate of Vaccination: After receiving the yellow fever vaccine, you’ll be provided with the International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis (ICVP), also known as the “yellow card.” This certificate is essential for entry into countries where yellow fever vaccination is required. It’s important to keep this document safe and carry it with you during your travels.

4. Post-Vaccination Advice: Our pharmacists will give you advice on what to expect after the vaccination, including any possible side effects, which are typically mild and temporary. We’ll also discuss additional measures to protect yourself from mosquito bites, such as using insect repellent and wearing protective clothing.


Yellow fever is a serious and potentially fatal disease that poses significant risks to travellers in certain parts of the world. At Seaton Pharmacy, we help you stay safe and healthy during your travels by providing the yellow fever jab. We also offer expert advice and support. Vaccination goes beyond just complying with international regulations. It’s about safeguarding your health and ensuring your journey is as safe and enjoyable as possible. Before you embark on your adventure, make sure you’re fully prepared by getting your yellow fever vaccine at Seaton Pharmacy. Contact us today to book your consultation and take the first step towards a worry-free travel experience.


This blog was written on behalf of Seaton Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.