Online Prescriptions

Efficient Online Prescription Ordering in Devon!

If you are a new or existing Seaton Pharmacy customer with regular medication needs, why not take advantage of our free online prescription ordering service in Devon? It’s easy to set up – plus did we mention it’s free?

Online Prescription Ordering Devon

Why use online prescription ordering?

Your time is at a premium so going back and forth from your GP to the pharmacy can be a pain. Using our online prescription service is easy to do and hassle-free to use:

– Initial set up only needs to be done once
– You’ll receive reminders to order your meds when they’re due
– Don’t have to visit the GP surgery each time you need your medication
– Saves you time plus travel costs
– It’s free!

How to set up online prescription ordering at Seaton Pharmacy

Signing up with Seaton Pharmacy gives you access to all our services.

Sign Up

After registering online with Seaton Pharmacy, you can choose the prescription ordering service. Just complete the online ordering form and it comes straight to the pharmacy for organising and processing.

You can also choose whether to have your prescriptions delivered to your door for free or collect in the pharmacy.

With Seaton Pharmacy getting your prescriptions is easy and hassle-free!

You can contact us for more details on our prescription services and check to see if our services fit in with your lifestyle.

The online prescription ordering service is only available if you have regular medication. If you need a new prescription or need to change the medication you are using, you may still need to see your GP.

Choose Seaton Pharmacy for modern prescription services

Choosing Seaton Pharmacy will make getting your meds hassle-free by:

– Letting you order your prescriptions online – whenever and wherever you want.
– Free Prescription Delivery to your door

Seaton Pharmacy is a modern prescribing pharmacy that embraces the many ways to make accessing our services more convenient for you. Plus, we love using innovative technology that is improving how we all access healthcare.

Make medication easier and order your prescription today!


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